Ep. 1 Introduction

Thanks for tuning into Mom·ing. In this first episode we introduce ourselves and explain the motivations and goals of the Mom·ing Podcast. 

The Name

Originally we wanted to go with the name 'Mom Life,' but after some research we found that podcast name to be well is use already. We actually love that we were forced to go with another option, because Mom·ing not only encompasses what we do (mothering. all. day. long.), but it also speaks to a large part of who we are. Not that being a mother is the only persona we put on, but it is definitely high on the list. And what a wonderful privilege it is!

The Purpose

The motivation of the podcast is to encourage any mothers who stumble across our show. We didn't want to just dialogue back and forth with each other on topics; we wanted to highlight other moms and give them a platform to share part of their story. The topics we discuss are meant to bring hope and truth into your life.

The Details

With weekly episodes about 20 minutes long, even the busiest moms will have time to tune in and listen whenever it's convenient for them. Make sure to subscribe to our podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or Stitcher so you never miss an episode. 

If you like our content, please share it with your friends and family. Feel free to leave topic suggestions in the comments section. 


-Rachel and Stacy


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