If you are currently in the stage of being a single mom, we hope this episode is encouraging to you, and if you aren’t in this stage, perhaps you may walk away with a deeper understanding of what single moms face and you can be an encouragement and help to them.
On this episode of Mom·ing we interviewed our dear friend Kari Marsolais, who is currently homeschooling her two children, a boy age 7 And a daughter age 9. She happens to be currently battling cancer and all that goes with that.
Kari gave us some very honest insights to the challenges of raising children without a spouse, as well as some really wonderful stories of how God has met them in many ways, big and small. God often uses the body of Christ to fill in the gaps and meet the needs of other people. Kari encouraged us to be on the lookout for single parents in our circles, workplaces, churches, or neighborhoods that may not ask for help, but would certainly welcome it.
Motherhood is a privilege, but it is also filled with challenges and stress. Doing it alone compounds that all the more. If you are a single mom today, don't hesitate to reach out to those around you and ask for help and support. If you don't have a community, research churches in your area and find one! The enemy of our souls loves to isolate us, exhaust us, and then he goes in for the kill.
We are stronger when we lift each other up. Don't give up, mamas. Our God is our strength and our song.
Rachel and Stacy
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