
S2 Ep. 4 Your Family's Spiritual Health

Resources are listed at the bottom of this post.

The heart attitude of our children is probably at the top of our prayer list as a mother. As moms who love Jesus, it's safe to say we can narrow all of our parenting goals into one: we want to raise kids who hear God's voice and obey it!

On this episode of Mom·ing our guest Debbi Bryson gave us some wonderful encouragement about feeding our spiritual health as mothers. It takes intention, purpose, and loads of grace. 

When it comes to alone time in God's Word, some moms are floating adrift in a sea of anxiety, despair, and too high of expectations. Others feel shame and defeat for not being in God's Word for a week (or months! or years!) 

You cannot stay in that place, Mamas. It's time to be intentional about reading God's Word and letting it soak into your soul. Take time everyday. Set realistic expectations for yourself depending on how old your children are. Don't let busyness crowd out your time with...

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