S2 Ep. 7 Being an Intentional Mom

It can be difficult in today’s culture to be intentional about anything; it’s much easier to just let life happen and take things as they come. In the mom world, however, there is great value in parenting with intent: the intent to listen to our kids, to teach them how to make good choices, the intent to raise good students with great work ethic, etc. If we are not proactive in training, teaching, and guiding our kids, the world and its influences will do that job for us. 

Moming with intention sounds great, and it’s definitely easier said than done. This episode we had the pleasure of welcoming Christy Duff to the show. Christy is an awesome homeschooling mom who is currently raising teenagers and young adults. She is a pastor's wife, speaker, and all around FUN mom! She has made it one of her goals to be a mom who is intentional about raising her kids. 

On this episode, Christy highlighted three key areas that we can (and should) live with intent regarding our children: holiness, purity, and compromise. Our culture will behave as we would expect: unlike Jesus because they do not know Him. However, as Christians in the church, God has called us to live differently, literally set a part, from the world or culture around us. 

Simply waiting until sexual perversion (or any other issue) finds its way into your home through your child's device is not being parenting with intent. We must pray for the Holy Spirit to guide us and approach these issues with intent to prepare our children for what they will face, as well as giving them God's perspective on them. So what's the secret? Be in God's Word! We must be devouring God's Word and leading our children to it also. It must be the standard by which we judge all of the issues that bombard our families. 

Make sure to check out Christy's 30-day devotional, Magnify, for some awesome encouragement and fresh perspective on looking up and looking to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

We love you, Moms. Don't mom alone!

Rachel & Stacy


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