
S2 Ep.17 God Redeems Our Past

god hope kids mom moming parenting Sep 06, 2021

It’s been said that life is just a series of choices, and while that is true, as believers in Christ we know that all things work together for our good and God’s glory when we live a life that is surrendered to Him.

But what about those times when we don’t make good choices? Sometimes the negative consequences of those choices can follow us for the rest of our lives, but yet again, with God, He makes everything beautiful in His time and restores the years that have seemingly gone to waste.

Our guest for this episode was Desiree Watson, mom to four children, 2 girls and 2 boys ages 3-18. She’s been married for 4 years and we were so thrilled to have her on the show today to talk about how God can redeem all things unto Himself.

Desiree shared her amazing story with us and shared Genesis 50:20 in which Joseph says to his brothers, "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save...

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S2 Ep. 7 Being an Intentional Mom

It can be difficult in today’s culture to be intentional about anything; it’s much easier to just let life happen and take things as they come. In the mom world, however, there is great value in parenting with intent: the intent to listen to our kids, to teach them how to make good choices, the intent to raise good students with great work ethic, etc. If we are not proactive in training, teaching, and guiding our kids, the world and its influences will do that job for us. 

Moming with intention sounds great, and it’s definitely easier said than done. This episode we had the pleasure of welcoming Christy Duff to the show. Christy is an awesome homeschooling mom who is currently raising teenagers and young adults. She is a pastor's wife, speaker, and all around FUN mom! She has made it one of her goals to be a mom who is intentional about raising her kids. 

On this episode, Christy highlighted three key areas that we can (and should) live with intent...

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S2 EP. 6 Raising Respectful Kids

When I look in a general sense at American culture today, I don’t think ‘respectful’ is on of the top 10 words I would use to define what I observe. Respect must be taught and modeled as children grow, and unfortunately I don’t think that is happening on a large scale.

Why is respect important? First off, God requires it in the Bible. It’s actually one of the 10 Commandments, “Children, obey your parents for this is well pleasing to God.” “Husbands, love your wives, and Wives, respect your husbands!”  I believe that when you earn someone’s respect and learn to show respect, it not only pleases the Lord, but it also opens up opportunities in your life for great blessing.

Our guest on today's episode, Sarah Frenzel, is mom to five, founder of Behold Community Schoolhouse in Franklin, TN., and all around wonder-woman! Sarah gave us some amazing and practical tips on how to address disrespectful behavior, but...

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